Hello All! New version has been released. In version 1.0.0-RC5 backward compatibility will be broken. I provided 3 examples how to use NextRTC, with three different websocket implementation (Netty native, JSR-365, Spring WebSocket). If you have any idea on new feature just create an issue on github.
Category: News
New version1.0.0-RC5 is almost ready to release
Hello! I’d like to inform you that I’m going to release new version RC5. In this release I’ve made another set of breaking changes, I’ve got rid of the NextRTCEndpoint class and now you can use whatever websocket implementation that you want. I’ve checked it with WebSocket JRC-356 (tomcat standalone) netty implementation (ratpack server) and …
New version 1.0.0-RC4 has been released
I’m glad to inform you, that new version of nextRTC has been released! In version 1.0.0-RC4 I get rid of the log4j and now nextRTC is using slf4j as a logging framework. If you have some ideas how to improve this library please create a ticket on github
version 1.0.0-RC3 has been released!
In this release: – Introduced performance tests – Improved message sender (errors will be send only once whereas normal messages will be retried 3 times) – In broadcast conversation participant will received newJoined signal with master data – Ping will not start immediately after member is joined – When session is closed message will not …
Release candidate 3 is almost ready to publish
Hello All, I’ll release next version of NextRTC soon. In the following release I’ll fix major issue connected with hanging connection, race conditions, and wrong logging level. More details are available here. If you want to have something provided in next release please create an issue in github.
I decided to update the major version. NextRTC in version 1.0.0 introduced features: Now NextRTC can be configured without Spring (example without Spring) Removed Joda-Time. Now NextRTC supports time from Java 8. In next month I’ll write documentation how to configure NextRTC in standalone mode. Then I’ll change implementation of event bus and repositories (as a …
Plan for next release
In release 0.0.8, I’ll make a API breaking changes. I’m going to remove joda-time and use standard java 8 time model. What’s more NextRTC will be lomboked again. Those changes are required to make NextRTC independent of Spring framework. I’m waiting for your comments about this changes.
Version 0.0.7 has been released
Version 0.0.7 has been released. In this version finally issue with missing responses from server has been resolved!
Plans for next two months
In last two month I was waiting for new issue to release stable version. I’ll release version 0.0.7 in next two weeks – so you don’t have to much time to create an issue which might be released in 0.0.7. Up to now changes in this release are small but really important (It this release …
Version 0.0.6 released!
In version 0.0.6 I think that I’ve finally resolve problem with re-connection to conversation. On github there are two (1, 2) issues connected with lack of exchange signals after breaking connection and fast reconnect. In this version I’ve also introduced easy way to add own signals on the server side (details in documentation). Rest of …
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